Monday, November 3, 2008

More pics

A picture of our bedroom (furniture is uncommon, but the carpets are handmade and beautiful!). The heater in the middle has been a necessity in the past week-- the air is cooling and winter is on the way here!
Joshua teaching our host sister how to bake a carrot cake and chocolate chip cookies in a brick fire oven (arent' you proud of us, Rachel!). They don't have baking powder here, Rachel. Can you send us some?
We LOVE letters from home-- it is great to know what is going on in your lives. Email access is infrequent, so snail mail works best. Send you address and we'll be sure to mail you back! Our current mailing address is :
Joshua and Rebekah O'Halloran
PO Box 258, Krugozor
Central Post Office
Ashgabat, 744000
If you feel like dropping us a treat... here are a few things we can't get here...
Real coffee (anything not instant!)
Baking powder
Peanut Butter


His wife, Bonnie said...

How exciting, photos and a video of your life in Turkmenistan!! I love this entry! A picture tells a thousand words, you look healthy and happy, a mom wants to know!

Philly said...

yeah! fun to see new posts and a video! i would love to hear more details of how you are feeling about everything there but i know it's hard for you to find access to internet. glad you are safe!