Saturday, November 22, 2008

Underground Lake

Imagine a lake that is buried deep in a cave, at a depth greater than the length of a football field. You enter a small hole in the earth’s crust and began a steep descent into a cave that opens up into an underground world reminiscent of the cave in the folktale of Aladdin. A few lights guide your descent, and the cave opens into an enormous theater-size tunnel. When you arrive 55m below the earth’s surface, an impressively large lake fills the bottom of the cave and continues back under a ledge into darkness.
The Kow Ata underground lake is a remarkable seen. The lake is actually a warm springs and Joshua and I went for a swim a few weeks ago. I was more than impressed with the size of the lake, with a length of 70 meters, and a depth of 10+ meters. With our headlamps in tow, Joshua and I swam to the end of the lake to explore the back walls of the cave (we even managed to do a little bouldering, Abram!).
A giant water monster is said to prowl the lake. Legend has it that scuba divers once attempted to explore the depth and length of the cave as it disappears under the back cave wall. After many hours the divers did not return, and when the tether from the cave-mouth to the divers was retrieved, it appeared to be chewed by some ghastly beast! No need to worry, we made it back safely without a water monster attack:^)

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