Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Address

Hello to all! This a brief message-- we'll be living in a new city starting December 7th. We just visited this weekend. Russian language is very common there, so we will likely be learning Russian before we realized. We are looking forward to settling in there eventually, but we will continue our Turkmen language studies here in Ashgabat for the next month. Thank you for your notes on our blog! We want to hear how you guys are doing-- we love news from your lives, so keep us updated.

Our new mailing address [STARTING DECMEBER 7TH]:

Rebekah and Joshua O'Halloran, PCV
LeBap Welayat
22 Merkizi Pocta
Obonet 46, Korpus Mira
Turkmenistan 746100


His wife, Bonnie said...

I have forwarded the blog address and new address to all your kin! You should be getting some letters soon, I just realized that moving to your new location is just a few weeks away! Some of the letters will come to the main peace corps office address, but all my new ones I will send to the new address. Do you want me to send boots and warm stuff to your new Siberian location:) LOVE YA MOM

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like the blog.
It is beautiful.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal

corey said...

So glad to hear you are doing well. Mom left today. We had such a great visit with her. She prayed with all of us so much and that was great. Is there anything that you need us to send you? We love you,

Unknown said...

We love your blog and all the photos! You both look so happy and healthy. It is such a wonderful way to keep in touch. What a beautiful place to start your next adventure!

Love, Aunt Barb and Uncle David